Thursday, October 2, 2008

Waltham day 3

Good morning,

Today started off a bit rough. Lily did not sleep very well, is fighting a cold and is generally achy. This is the first time she has exercised this much in a while, so it must be like it is or me when I have not worked out in a while....the first few days are just rough. She really did not want to got to PPRC this morning, she limped, she whined, she asked to go back to sleep, but she responded to my saying, "well, we are still going, let's try not to be late". By the time we got there, she ready to roll and was limping less. She was happy to see the other girls and left me with no drama. Yeah.

For the second, day in a row, I was surprised by my reaction to leaving her there. I thought, I would be scared,sad, teary-eyed. But, honestly, I just feel relief. Relief, that we found this wonderful program. I love the way they all work together, it's such a nice family setting. They have just the right combination of tough love, jokes, fun, laughing, hard work, support. Later today, I will to my first meeting with the other parents, a support group for us. I have already met several of them. It's great being with people who get it. This syndrome is so strange, no one really understands it, so it's nice to talk to people who have had to watch they kids is pain and then make them go to PT. It's so counter-intuitive to make your kid do something that hurts.

I found the YMCA this morning. They have an "away" program, so my membership is in effect. I am thinking of taking Lily to swim this weekend.

Not sure what else we will do this weekend. We may go to Springfield one day to visit Paul's family or into Boston one day to do some touristy things. I have received a few e-mails from people with family in the area, offering some good suggestions. I am thinking of going to Walden Ponds tomorrow. I also spoke a friend from college today. We'll probably visit him and his family next weekend when Paul and the boys are here.

Speaking the Hutkowski men, they are doing well in 'mantown'. The boys seem to be settling in. I miss them tons and so does Lily. I think we may feel that more this weekend. Paul is sending me some pictures, which is something I forgot.

Well that's all for now.

Thanks for all the good thoughts and prayers.


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