Thursday, October 16, 2008

one more day to go...

so with just one day left, today's news is that Lily has poison ivy, argh, she's been itchy all week, but honestly, I wasn't paying that much attention, she has such sensitive skin, that I just chalked it up to different soap, etc. oh well, nurse Judy is on the job and we'll have her itch-free in a day or two. I'm not sure how much I've talked about Judy. She is the nurse and clinical coordinator of the PPRC, well, those are her official titles. I have dubbed her "mama bear"! She is always that to cheer on the girls and give hugs, plus like any real mama bear, she is always looking after her cubs, and lastly, we all know what happens if someone tries to hurt one of her cubs. She took on this role even before we came, when she had to work with the insurance company to get them to agree to let us come. She was very persistant and never doubted she would get the job done. She is the heart of the program.

Well, that's all for tonight. My next post will come from home. Yippee!!


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